Pooka for Agricola


not available

This is not the Agricola™ board game, but this Pooka module can be used when playing the board game.The Pooka for Agricola module helps simplify end-game scoring, adds barnyard sounds for the animals (sheep, boar, cattle and horse), and supports the original game as well as the Farmers of the Moor expansion.
You can also use the scoresheet as a soundboard while playing the game for in-game sound effects or just to annoy other players.
This module requires the free Pooka core app. You can find the Pooka core here in the marketplace. Alternatively the module will prompt you to download Pooka when you first start.
You can also browse existing games, launch new games and manage your friends list.
Agricola is a trademark of Lookout Games.This Pooka module is independent from Lookout Games.Lookout Games is in no way responsible for the content of this Pooka module.